• Emcee Script For School Program

    Emcee Script For School Program
    1. Emcee Script For School Program
    2. Emcee Script For School Program Nutrition Month

    A sample script for an emcee to use for graduation day shouldinclude happy and uplifting comments on how far the graduates havecome and how they are ready to take on life and begin theirjourney.

    Author Comment Posted MHS Reunion – June 28, 2008 – Courtyard by Marriott 7pm I’m Kathy Coyle, your emcee tonight as we celebrate 40 plus years since graduation from Moorhead Senior High! When we started planning this event a year ago, I was hoping people would want to return home and my hopes have been answered. 220 of you answered the call to celebrate your SPUD roots and I’m confident you’ll be glad to did.

    I’m sure there are some people who are a little nervous right now. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret.I was nervous, too, until I realized I could take a cue from one of my favorite movies remember Romi and her friend, Michelle who traveled cross country to go to their class reunion and they felt so psyched out that they lied about their career? Every time someone asked them what they had accomplished they said they had invented POST IT NOTES! Well, there you go, if you don’t feel like answering people’s questions tonight, feel free to use their line. One of classmates is well known not for Post It Notes but for leading the way for Moorhead to modernize in recent years, it is my please to introduce to you The Mayor of Moorhead, Mark Voxland.

    Mark – (gives greetings from the City of Moorhead) Kathy – We’d like to say a special welcome to the retired Moorhead High faculty joining us tonight: Joel Belgum, Gordy Rustad and his wife Carol, John Jess, Arlen Mueller, and Eldon Wollman. We received a note from Ken Tangen, English teacher to many of you. (read) Our thanks to Craig and Diane Bagne’s business called “Bagco, Manufacturing” in Moorhead. They secured refrigerator magnets for each of us with not only a handsome photo of Moorhead High but also important contact information for you to use in the future. We hope you’ll stay connected by using the reunion web site and email address to keep us updated on you and your address over the next decade.


    That will make planning the 50 th reunion much easier! We also have a list at each table for you to use We hope that you’ll fill in the blanks so we can make sure the information we’ve been gathering is accurate. Some of you filled out registration forms and some didn’t so this will give us a complete data base. Just in case the ice hasn’t been broken yet at your table we’ve asked Mary Jo Johnson Snustad to come up with some table topics to get our memories dusted off.

    “What is one of the funniest memories you have of a teacher in jr or sr. (That led Marcia Borstad Smith to reminisce about Miss O’Connor, if you want a chuckle, see Marcia) What is one of the funniest or most embarrassing things that happened to you in high school? And Tell us about a milestone event or experience in your life in the past 40 years. That should get some good conversations going and if you don’t know everyone at your table.please introduce yourselves and one more directive. We’ll be back with the program, following dinner ” Dinner 7:45pm Program KC – I hope you enjoyed your meal. I thought I’d start our program by giving you a taste of the journey we went through in planning this event. It all started over a year ago when I sat by Dagne Lund Forbes at a wedding (where’s Dagne and her husband, Bill?).

    Dagne said her Class of ’67 had not organized a 40 th class reunion. I thought, “Yikes, that could be us in a year if we didn’t get going!” So Mark Voxland and I got together and started with a small committee - (Please join Mark and I up here as I talk about each one of you committee members).

    We started with Lynn Christoffer Sipe, Sharon Anderson Bishop, Linda Lebakken Krabbenhoft, Deb Nielsen Wimmer, and Vicki Manternach Fredrikson. We were able to put a downpayment on the Marriott’s ballroom thanks to a loan to our committee from Mark Voxland and his wife, Donna; Grant Weyland and his wife and fellow classmate, Marsha Solberg Weyland, and Kevin Brauer and his wife and fellow classmate, Renee Wibe Brauer. Marsha and Renee served on the committee so will you two come up? The toughest part of putting together a reunion is finding current names of married female classmates, both the men and women’s addresses as well as emails. But we have been extremely lucky to have two women who have dedicated long hours to unraveling the mystery of missing classmates. Marilee Knutson Ryan has been a long distance committee member because she lives in Anchorage, Alaska.

    We had over 100 email addresses to start with thanks to Marilee. Our other super sleuth is Diane Bennefeld Thiel. She tracked people on the Internet and after working full days as an elementary school teacher in Moorhead, she’d go home to search for more missing classmates, many times calling all around the country asking people if they were the same person who went to Moorhead High.

    Diane’s other half, classmate, Gary Thiel has been a consistent and committed committee member (you may have noticed electronic signs around town welcoming you back.Gary saw to it that the schools and banks had that information) and if you haven’t heard the name “Thiel” enough tonight, Gary’s cousin, Cherie Thiel Merritt was also a committee member even though she had her daughter’s wedding just a week ago to worry about. We learned Brad Onsgaard had returned to Moorhead from Colorado and similar to Brad, Mary Beth Hanson had returned to her roots to keep an eye on her aging mother.

    The committee continued to grow with the addition of Cheryl Sunde Olson who proved invaluable when Mary Beth needed help with the name tags. Those name tags represent 20 hours of woman-power, putting those together! In an effort to figure out a tie to the Class of ’67, Doug Hamilton attended one of our winter meetings where we agreed to access MSUM’s data base for addresses and emails and thanks to his position with the university, he made that happen. No offense to the rest of the committee but I think the real spark came in May when a fellow I had not meet before suddenly appeared at our committee meeting – Larry Odlund. Larry said he had missed out on a lot in high school so he decided to make up for it by helping to plan the reunion We used almost every marketing technique to ensure a good turn out tonight – live television interviews, two radio talk shows, a web site created by Kevin and Renee Brauer’s son, Gabe, and we used the Moorhead School System’s web site.

    Emails were sent repeatedly to classmates, snail mail to those we only had postal addresses for, and we made direct phone calls to those who were still undecided. And finally, I hope you saw our feature story in The Forum Newspaper last Sunday, June 22 nd. If you missed it, we posted it on our reunion web site on the “message board”. The registrations started pouring in as people realized this is a one time opportunity, after all, we’ll be pushing 70 the next time we get together! I’ve asked the committee to share with you some of the comments, in other words, just a sampling of what some of you wrote when you registered – first here’s what your classmates said when we asked them to share what they’ve up to since graduation.

    Lynn Christoffer Sipe Many classmates enjoy volunteering and helping others: Diane Sellden Hildebrandt has hosted several foreign exchange students in her San Francisco Bay Area home and she’s done medical missions abroad. Mary Jo Johnson Snustad and her husband have created a retreat center north of Grand Rapids, MN for church groups to rent as well as businesses, and family reunions. Nancy Seljevold Hastad helps out at the hospital in Waukisha, Wisconsin where her husband, Doug Hastad is president of Carroll College. Vicki Manternach Fredrikson Others also mentioned their love for volunteerism Bob Hansen is now retired from Otter Tail Power and he helps senior citizens with their taxes. Tom and Linda Gravalin are both retired and enjoy volunteering in Fosston. Lon and Deanna Braton Larson look forward to helping Habitat for Humanity in the Omaha area. Jim Tougas supervises social workers at the VA in Fargo where they council soldiers who are struggling with war experiences.

    Sharon Anderson Bishop. Many people wrote about their grandchildren. It seems that by the time you reach this age, job status and possessions are no longer the number one topic. Instead it’s family and the warm fuzzies in your life.

    Cherie Thiel Merritt leads the pack with 9 grandchildren! Ginger Geraghty Lenzmeier appears to be second with 8 grandchildren. And Debbie Timm Hanson and I are tied for third with 7 grandchildren apiece. Brenda Johnson Danzeisen couldn’t be with us tonight but she wrote from Colorado saying, she now has two great grandchildren! Deb Nielsen Wimmer We have a medical phenomenon in our midst Tim O’Neil wrote he went through a successful heart transplant in 2002. Tim and his wife, Leta are here from Bloomington (point him out). Penny Rath Gunderson of Fargo is keeping her heart healthy by running; she ran her first marathon at age 50!

    Emcee Script For School Program

    Sample script for emcee emceeing

    And a lot of people talked about their love of international travel including Karen Duval Stern of Moorhead. She’s been to Ireland and England and now she’s looking forward to Italy and Greece. Larry Odland Speaking of traveling Naomi Paasch traveled to Scotland with Moorhead High’s theater students and most recently to Italy with Moorhead High’s choir. She’s also played bridge against some of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

    Another classmate is well known as an author, Tim Murphy has published four books! Marilee Knutson Ryan I came from Anchorage, Alaska for the reunion and I thought Gary Lindquist was going to beat me for long distance traveling honors because he’s from Fairbanks, Alaska BUT then we got word that John Johnson from the Class of ’67 had registered from Singapore! Others who traveled quite a ways include: Beverly Waite LeBeau from Jamesville, New York and Karen Hews from New Hampshire. From California, we have 3 classmates: Debbie Dille, Debby Mullen Gerber, and Diane Sellden Hildebrandt. From Texas we have Rodi Bakkum Johnson and her sister, Kathy Bakkum Doe from Arizona. Brad Onsgard We have noteworthy musicians in our midst from the Class of ’67, Barb Schramm recently completed a lengthy career in opera in Germany and if you do a Google search on Barb you’ll learn she’s performed at Carnegie Hall in New York as well as many other notable venues around the world.

    Emcee Script For School Program Nutrition Month

    You can also purchase her CDs online. Her classmate, Dr.

    Timothy Running is a professor of music at the university in Kutztown, Pennsylvania where he conducted the orchestra for over twenty years. Earlier in his career Tim played flute in Pershing’s own U. Army Band in Washington DC. Cheryl Sunde Olson The Class of ’68 has two professional musicians Ron Erickson and his wife are country gospel singers at the Roy Rogers Theater in Branson, MO. They couldn’t be with us tonight but they’ll be playing in church settings in our area in July. Mark Onan is with us tonight (point him out) Mark is a published country music composer from Nashville, Tennessee but now he’s totally switched careers – he’s a software designer, focusing on highway construction projects. Diane Bennefeld Thiel & Gary Thiel On a more somber note we want to pause to remember the classmates who have died.

    From the Class of ’68, we have lost at least 35 of our 437 class members. They are (read the list ) Doug Hamilton From the Class of ’67, we have lost (reads list) Renee Wibe Brauer When we asked our classmates what memories rise to the top when they think back to high school days, we had a gripping account from Darby Arntson Swanson who is with us tonight from Washington State. Darby wrote.”The memory with the most historic significance is the choir trip to Chicago when Martin Luther King, Jr. Was assassinated. We were sequestered in the historic Allerton Hotel and watched parts of Chicago burn as a result of the demonstrations.” Mary Beth Hanson In contrast to the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. And Bobby Kennedy in 1968, many people wrote about the fun we had at the state basketball tournaments in Minneapolis, as we battled Edina two years in a row.

    Other favorite memories included school musicals, especially Guys and Dolls, dances at YC, band, choir and orchestra trips, dragging Broadway and doing Chinese fire drills, going to football games, and cheering at pep fests. Cherie Thiel Merritt Besides the actual basketball tournaments in Williams Arena at the University of MN, I remember the long lines of people back in Moorhead, hoping to buy tickets to those tournaments. We cheerleaders went to Quality Bakery at 5am in the morning to get donuts to sell the public and hot coffee to keep them warm as they waited in the cold to get those sought after, limited edition tournament tickets. Linda Lebakken Krabbenhoft Paulette Freydenlund Carlson who many remember as “Poppy” was frank in her response. She admitted doing something many of us probably did.

    Poppy remembers arriving at school early on a regular basis so she could walk the halls and flirt with the older guys! I liked just hanging out in the gutter, or I guess some people called it the tunnel in the old high school. Grant Weyland and others wrote about the made dash we made between the east and west buildings because all three grades couldn’t fit in one building. And how exciting it was when the Class of ’68 became the first to graduate from the new high school!

    Marsha Solberg Weyland The influence Moorhead made on people’s lives was evident in comments from Charles Habiger of Hopkins who wrote”It’s not so much specific memories but the sense of how carefree that time was in our lives!” Cindy Sigdestad Jones from Boulder CO. Wrote: “Although I didn’t realize it at the time, growing up in Moorhead and graduating from Moorhead High was a real gift to each one of us.

    Talk about a safe and caring environment!” Mary Elliott Tougas of Mankato, MN. Wrote: ”As I look back on my high school days, it’s not the lessons I learned in class that I remember, it’s the friends and fun that come to mind, including the ecstasy of first love and the pain of a broken heart or dragging Broadway on a Friday night.” Mark Voxland In the past 40 years Moorhead has gone through a number of changes. A major downtown renovation has created new retail space, apartments, and condos overlooking the river. We have 7 new schools (names them and as well as further details).

    We were one of the first cities in our region to put up wind generators for alternative energy. The city library has been expanded and there are many new housing and business developments. We hope that if you are considering a move back to the area, you’ll be impressed by the progressive changes that have taken place as well as the preservation of the past. Kathy We thank you for taking the time, energy, and expense to join us tonight.

    We hope you’re able to just relax and enjoy the moment because what really counts is that we are together. We hope you’ll find an old friend to get caught up with but also find some new friends that you may have never known in high school. To get us in the right frame of mind we’d like the cheerleaders of yester-year to come up and give us an infusion of school spirit - besides Marilee and Cherie who are already up here we have Rodi Bakkum Johnson from Texas, Nancy Seljevold Hastad from Wisconsin, Terrie Millen Robbins from St. Louis, Mo, and locally, Dagne Lund Forbes. (2 school songs) Dance to the Fat Daddies next.

    Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Other fun shenanigans at the reception included a dance-off between Prince Harry, Prince William, and Prince Charles (officiated by emcee James Corden). — Tamron Hall was the event emcee, with comedian Jonathan Slocumb also on stage, with one of his roles conducting the live auction.

    — Walsh’s comedian pal Drew Carey showed up as an unannounced emcee, introducing some of the acts and members of groups like Fallen Patriot and Semper Fi Fund, who spoke of how the organizations helped them. — Muth said an Army recruiter from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who has a high ranking on Ultimate Fighter, served as an emcee at a recent tournament. — Unbeknownst to Johnson, Doheny had played an Alan Cumming-like emcee in his own high school’s production of the play.

    — West Park resident Joe Pulizzi, Content Marketing Institute founder, was emcee. — Bertrand, who has become a staple at the home show the last few years, will serve as an emcee at many events, including the inaugural Junior Design Challenge. — Yet even the most enthusiastic theatergoers at the Marquis Theatre in New York would undoubtedly prefer to be in the company of eminent party emcee Buffett at the Sprint Center on Saturday. — Recent Examples on the Web: Verb That's thanks in large part to Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh, who emceed the evening with an energy that was off the charts. — Lily Tomlin emceed the event, and about 900 artworks were for sale. — Also speaking of the BBMAs, Keith Caulfield and Katie Atkinson welcome Kelly Clarkson to the Pop Shop Podcast to chat about Clarkson emceeing Sunday night's festivities. — ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey previously explained that Kimmel was the obvious choice to emcee the Academy’s 90th show for the second year in a row.

    — This will mark the seventh season that Tom and Erin have teamed up to emcee the longtime hit program. — Curator-in-residence Astria Suparak and writer and filmmaker Brett Kashmere are emceeing a special event to mark the release of a sports-themed issue of the artist-run publication Incite Journal of Experimental Media. — News Anchor Gina Gaston and Traffic Anchor Katherine Whaley emceed the event, and Gina led the group in a moment of silence for those affected by the Santa Fe ISD school shooting just a few hours earlier.

    — Guests also included Governor Charlie Baker and the Rev. Liz Walker, who emceed the event. — These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'emcee.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

    Emcee Script For School Program